Sunday, February 26, 2012

Noodle Doodle #8

The dude is being prolific this week. We stopped at Ted's for lunch (delicious bison sliders) and they give kids these wax-covered string things that bend into all manner of interesting shapes. What I loved even more than the creations themselves (which are awesome as-is) are the stories he make up to go along with his art.

A snippet:

"One day, a wind came and blew the tree over because it wasn't stable enough."

The trees below are The Rainbow Tree and The V Tree.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Little Art

My littlest guy got in on the creative action this morning, using a recycled cereal bar box as his canvas.

Noodle Doodle #7

The creative mind of my little man was at it again this morning! Inspired by my Mockingbird piece, he drew some shapes that ended up looking like snakes with eggs, so he added tongues and eyes. Then he drew a giant fish on the backside. Still not finished, he grabbed a discarded egg carton and drew a fishing scene on it

Great artistic use of simple materials, dude!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Knit Myself

Day 43 - try something new.

Knitting. The antithesis of crochet.

Okay, maybe that's a little extreme, but they're definitely very different beasties. For whatever reason, most people get sucked into one to the exclusion of the other. Then there's this moment when you sort of realize the amazing world of possibility that exists if you only knew how to do the other.

I learned long ago how to do the simplest cast on and knit stitch. Unlike crochet, I can't remember the whens or hows; I just know how to do it. I'm not good at it at all, though if you needed an ugly but functional scarf or washcloth, I'm your girl!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

zaphod beeblebrox

Day 42 - Use today's junk mail

It's not a towel on his head, but still, I think Arthur Dent would be proud. Erm, perhaps.

What say you?


Day 41 - Create BIG!

Today brings a large expression of something I normally do tiny: Doodle. But I've had to put the kibosh on some of my doodling lately. So it seemed the perfect opportunity.

But the project mocked me... I didn't get it done "on time". I don't have time to color it in. Not coloring it in means you can see the flaws better.

Bigger BUT... I do like the bird-like shape in the center.

Oh well. It's done now and here for your viewing pleasure!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bottoms Up

Day 40 - Create with yarn.

[Insert maniacal laughter here.]

The only thing challenging about this post is WHICH of my yarny bits to choose...

I went with a hat I'm working on that I designed as a "bottom up", roomy hat. Not too much like a beret, nor too much like a tam, I just wanted something that wouldn't smoosh my hair flat on my daily quarter mile walk from the parking lot to the building in which I am employed.

Still a little ways to go on it, but I have most of the math worked out so I'm chugging right along. And oh so excited because it's really good yarn - Malabrigo Kettle Dyed Pure Superwash Merino Wool in a colorway called Stonechat. In a word: Luscious. In another word: Expensive. And totally worth it!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Day 39 - Write one.

The Universe speaks volumes
We must but listen

(I'm not sure why the cat... She's just pretty and I love her.)


Day 38 - Work underwater.

My sister did some crazy good photographs several years ago using her own blood (obtained via nothing more insidious than a massive nosebleed) and that's what popped in my head when I read today's prompt. Not caring to do myself harm or resort to food coloring for a similar effect, I planned to use fruit juice and/or milk. When I got the little glass bowl filled, however, it looked beautiful just the way it was.

So I went with it.


Day 35 - Write instructions.

Day 36 - Take something old and make it new.

Day 37 - Use staples / stapler.

Though it's usually out of necessity so that I don't fall too far behind, I actually enjoy the challenge of figuring out how I might mesh three consecutive days into a single project. For me, it sticks to the spirit of creating something every day because I generally give thought to how I'll carry out a three-day assignment each day until I am able to enact my plans. Even if I only have a small amount of time for the eventual creation, I know the process has served me and its purpose.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Day 34 - Work with wire.

Time was limited today so I went with what was on hand when time permitted (i.e. these were shots of our fruit basket, previously of Banana Hammock fame, that I took at about 5:50 this morning when I really should've been getting ready for work).

I had some fantasies about doing some kind of weird wired fruit thing and making a statement about GMO "frankenfruits"... Alas, the close of the day draws nigh and the bed is calling my name.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Day 33: Use pens.

In honor of Valentine's Day and getting featured on the website from which this site draws its inspiration.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Noodle Doodle #6

The Stick Project

In the absence of friends with whom to bop about, the Noodle Dude could be found playing with sticks, just like his Mommy and Daddy once did.

I can't put captions under the photos using my iPhone app, so you'll have to use your imagination a bit. The last three pictures, if they stay in the same order, are the Trusty stick, the Hammer stick, and the Y stick. The others pics are more or less self explanatory - the artiste avec his medium.


Day 32 - Create something transitory, impermanent... Ephermeral.

My favorite yogurt is Siggi's. Yeah, that's a shout-out, what of it? Surely there are products you love to consume, too, right?!?

Here's my homage to Siggi's. Though I really should've done this the other day when I had fresh blueberries piled on top of their vanilla yogurt, I'm certainly not going to complain about their strawberry. It's right delish, too!

Path in Progress

Day 31 - Make a path.

I started this several days ago. It's still stuck in the beginning stages. My thought was to create a stream of consciousness "path" along the routes that my brain tends to wander. I rounded up copies of yoga, yarn and food magazines, a yarn catalogue, a glue stick, scissors and some markers.

Then I got stuck.

No, it wasn't a glue stick tragedy; I just got to thinking too much about what I wanted on my board. Dream board, Inspiration board. Goal mapping. Whatever you call it, it seems to demand more time than a single day. I'm not going to promise that it'll get finished, but stranger things have been completed 'round these parts.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Native Habitat

Day 30 - Play with toys.

Easy as pie. Got some Hello Kitty Squinkies for Christmas from my oldest son. Here they are planning their overthrow of the craft table. Little do they know I could crush them.


Day 29 - Make a disguise.

My bright idea for today was to crochet a beard. I sort of had Santa in mind as I worked but I did it all on the fly without really doing much measuring or anything. As with any such poorly executed plan, it doesn't really work. At least I got the three-year-old to model it for me. And the cat, too.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tiny Car Tipi

Day 28 - Using school supplies, make something non traditional.

I'm really keen on spending some extra time on tomorrow's prompt, so I went with the first thing that popped in my head. Would have been really quick had I not gotten into a war of words with the blasted tape dispenser. Not to worry, I was the victor!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Noodle Doodle #5

Another offering from the junior artist chez nous... He really liked the tree bridge I built (see Bridge over Beauty Green) but it was a bit fragile so he "recycled" it into this neat structure. I find that I quite prefer it to my own!