Friday, March 23, 2012


Day 53 - Spindle creation and spinning my own yarn.

You may have noticed a conspicuous absence of posts. Or not. But I was stuck mid-point on a project. I suppose I could have posted the steps as I went along but I really was just frustrated and working through the process silently.

I can now report that I have not only made my very own top whorl drop spindle (utilizing a free PDF from Spinning Daily), but I've also spun my very first skein of yarn from pre-dyed wool roving! I'm so geeked out by my own do-it-yourselfedness that I think I strained my neck patting myself on the back!

Total investment of less than $25 (less than the cost of one skein of handspun yarn and which included purchasing a $6.50 hacksaw) has given me the resources to make FOUR spindles (top or bottom whorl, my choice) and many yards of yarn (quantity dependent on weight of yarn I choose to make).

Projects don't get much more "successful" than this!

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