Friday, January 20, 2012

Thoughts on the Journey

Now that we've been at this for nearly two weeks, we've had some interesting explorations of our parameters. I have done almost all the posts completely with my iPhone using the Blogger app, the phone's camera and a couple different photo editing apps. This has allowed me a certain sense of freedom to do a simple, straightforward post without concerning myself overmuch with getting it "perfect" - since I don't have access to the full spectrum of gadgets available on the full Blogger site, I write my post, add a photo, tag it and I'm done! Exactly what the anal retentive, detail-obsessed artist needs to loosen up.

In addition, I have refrained from looking at the next day's prompt until I am finished with the current day's and I only give myself until the day is out to complete each prompt.

Again, these "rules" are helping me move away from some habits that I felt it was time to release. It's still very fresh and fun and I honestly haven't felt an iota of stress about offering up these daily bits and pieces. They may not constitute high art, but they're a valuable exploration and I'm enjoying the journey! Thank you for riding along!!

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Please offer only positive praise - this site belongs to our whole family (including our young children) and we'd prefer to be able to share all the comments. Gracias!